| 1. | The reach of science 科学能够到达的范围 |
| 2. | In these modern times , almost anything is possible nothing seems to be beyond the reach of science 在这个现代化社会里,似乎没有任何事情是科学不能解决的。 |
| 3. | In these modern times , almost anything is possible , nothing seems to be beyond the reach of science 在这个现代社会里,几乎所有事情都有可能发生,似乎没有任何事情是科学解决不了的。 |
| 4. | Tokyo ( ap ) ? it ' s still beyond the reach of science to predict exactly when an earthquake will strike , but japan will soon get the next - best thing ? televised warnings that come before anyone feels the ground shake 对于地震的准确预测还有待研究,但日本将会启用目前最好的一种? ?在所有人感到地震之前通过电视预告。 |
| 5. | Tokyo ( ap ) ? it ' s still beyond the reach of science to predict exactly when an earthquake will strike , but japan will soon get the next - best thing ? televised warnings that come before anyone feels the ground shake 虽然科学仍无法精确预测地震何时发生,但是日本不久将达到更好的水平? ? ?在人们感知地面震动之前发出可视警报。 |
| 6. | In short , a leader of the new school contends , the scientific revolution , as we call it , was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable direction 他们说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等更为普通的东西。 |
| 7. | Tokyo ( ap ) ? it ' s still beyond the reach of science to predict exactly when an earthquake will strike , but japan will soon get the next - best thing ? televised warnings that come before anyone feels the ground shake 它仍然不能准确预计地震什么时候来临,但是日本将在能力范围内做到最好-在地震来临之前通过电视广播发布预警信息。 |
| 8. | Tokyo ( ap ) ? it ' s still beyond the reach of science to predict exactly when an earthquake will strike , but japan will soon get the next - best thing ? televised warnings that come before anyone feels the ground shake 东京( ap )报道? ?科学研究仍然无法准确预测地震发生的确切时间,但是日本将退而求其次? ?在任何人有震感之前发出警报。 |
| 9. | Tokyo ( ap ) ? it ' s still beyond the reach of science to predict exactly when an earthquake will strike , but japan will soon get the next - best thing ? televised warnings that come before anyone feels the ground shake 东京(美联社) :现在的科学还很难达到准确预测何时发生地震,但日本很快将做到最好? ?在任何人感到地面震动前发出预警信号。 |
| 10. | Tokyo ( ap ) ? it ' s still beyond the reach of science to predict exactly when an earthquake will strike , but japan will soon get the next - best thing ? televised warnings that come before anyone feels the ground shake 东京( ap ) -目前,科学上仍未能准确预测地震何时开始,但日本将很快建立一个电视预警系统,在人们感觉到地面开始震动前通知地震到来 |